12. Dragon’s eye
Раздвоенный язык / Стихи на других языках / Читателей: 5

black out
the Moon ascended the bed of the Sun
all the rivers have cooled down
devoid of rays the air grayed
threw itself as a poncho over the shoulders and eyes of
looking at the disc available for only minutes
the dark conversation between the Luminary and the Moon was short-lived
by human standards maybe a half-time
but at the right moment a century is an eternity
the moon returned the shine to all the eyes
and with that
the downwards of rays returned to the earth
the eyes
that looked for but saw no god
that looked for but also saw the earth
the Moon is the pupil in the eye of the Dragon
the Sun is an apple

© Данетех, 10.04.2024. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-197549/100424

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