Володарский (перевод SKES / без припева)
Taken Seriously / Пейзажная лирика / Читателей: 28



My life has only one unchangeable constant
Is super concrete batching mixing plant
We send the concrete on construction sites in main
And houses up (so fast) like mushrooms after rain


We order gravel from the mining on the moon
We using pure synthetic Kamet sand
And biologic active cement - modern boon
We do the concrete with conditions best demand


I feel industrial smell when I’m cog this device
When Plant is running fast - this for my soul elixir
When cement, aggregates, and additives with ice
Come in the process heart - the biggest twin-shaft mixer


In all conditions, weathers nevermind
We do the concrete best, felicitous
In arctic - heating turbines on the site
In desert - will be add the cosmic ice


When order made and latter mixer-truck
Fly away to work-site with the last batch of concrete
I’m in the sadness watching his retreating back
In my heart heavy, but the same time this is sweet


My life has only one unchangeable constant
Is super concrete batching mixing plant
We send the concrete on construction sites in main
And houses up (so fast) like mushrooms after rain


© Mikhail From Vladivostok, 08.10.2017. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-153502/081017

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Mikhail From Vladivostok08.10.2017 16:58

Sergey Fedorov09.10.2017 01:24

Well, its just an ode to the anthem of your concrete work. Extremely rare quality in our time. Of course, this deserves attention.Good luck.

Mikhail From Vladivostok09.10.2017 15:29

Sergey Fedorov

Good day sir. I confess to you, it is very very nicely to meet same English man as I am! :0)

This is only text from my song «Steel-Kamet Equipment» what is here too. I made it and suggest for owners of Steel-Kamet Oy (Finland) as advertisement. But they is not take it anywhere yet. Maybe the song is not made for the end.


Steel-Kamet Oy making Batching and Mixing Plants ( B&M Plants) in Finland.


B&M Plants it is the manufactories to make the concrete.


Equipment this Finnish guys construct is very best quality.


And the song (and the meaning of the text here) coming like from a gratefull client from the future. Where automixers is flying and them using sintetic and cosmic materials to create the concrete.


But anyhow, this client saying good, he says words of love to Steel-Kamet equipment.


We can understand that changing everything around. But you can be sure that high quality of the production this Finnish manufactory will be the same.


And this equipment will be everyday joy for the people who decide to invest the money in Steel-Kamet Concrete Plants! Because it will never stop and will never broken!


How is my «Volodarsky»?



Последний раз редактировал Mikhail From Vladivostok 09.10.2017 15:31

 Mikhail From Vladivostok, Охренеть от вас надо! 
С таким восхищением о цементе 
Насмешили и порадовали, да.

Mikhail From Vladivostok19.01.2018 16:32

Виктория Кравцова, спасибо большое!
Оригинальная версия — песня Steel-Kamet Equipment Song: https://poemach.com/Exsiter/Concrete-Plant-Betonnyiy-Zavod.html

Все путают, но на самом деле не о цементе, а о бетоне.
Цемент — порошок, как мука в булках :0)
Бетон — продукт смешивания инертных материалов (в основном щебня и песка), цемента (связующего), воды и различных добавок (сухих и жидких).
Последний пункт — добавки — очень интересен. В основном используют:

1) Пластификаторы — чтобы бетон лучше расползался.
 2) Ускорители твердения — чтобы заливаемые конструкции скорее набирали прочность.

  3) Микрокремнезём и прочие заполнители пустот — применяют для увеличения плотности бетона, а следовательно улучшающие и его прочность.

Вот очень интересный фильм про бетон: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q96YniZTmI

Последний раз редактировал Mikhail From Vladivostok 09.12.2022 17:24
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