Стихи о любви / Читателей: 11

Stop burning me tonight
My heart is full of sparkles.
You pushed all screaming buttons,
Your moves are looking right.

I'm burning hot and hot,
I'm starting count of stars,
And this night can't stop us,
It could be only short.

Stop burning me so hart,
My body's like a flame,
But I don't seem ashamed,
I want to fly so far...

This love is crazy shot,
I'm fond of it so much,
I'm swallowing each touch,
You're best I've ever thought!

© Оля Люблю, 18/06/2013. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-78651/180613
Метки: Сила любви, Схожу с ума

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