I loved you
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I loved you: and perhaps this flame
Has not completely died away;
I’ll never cause you harm again
And wish you happiness today.

I loved you silently without any hope of gain,
Being very shy sometimes, being jealous, feeling pain;
I loved you so sincere, tender, just the best I ever can,
Let God grant you: to be adored this way by any other man.
Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,
В душе моей угасла не совсем;
Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит;
Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.
Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,
То робостью, то ревностью томим;
Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,
Как дай вам Бог любимой быть другим.

© принцАлександр, 17.01.2024. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-196571/170124

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Данетех22.01.2024 08:24

best I can,

тут нужен артикль

Let God grants you be loved this way by any other man.

эта строка орёт о незнании автором языка на котором он пишет

«к сожалению Ваш рейтинг...», короче, система не даёт мне оценить работу заслуженным минусом.

Последний раз редактировал Данетех 22.01.2024 08:25
Below is more objective uation:

Yes, the line «Let God grant you: be loved this way by any other man» which you provided can be acceptable in poetry, as in poetry, deviations from standard grammar are common and serve the purpose of conveying complex emotions or nuanced ideas in a condensed form.

The line «Let God grant you: be loved this way by any other man» can be analyzed as follows:

Imperative Construction: The line begins with an imperative construction, «Let God grant you,» which sets a tone of wish or blessing.

Colon Usage: The colon introduces a direct address or wish, indicating that what follows is a specific way in which the speaker hopes the person will be granted.

Subject-Verb Construction: The phrase «be loved this way» employs an elliptical structure where the subject «you» is implied but not explicitly stated. This construct adds a sense of universality, making it applicable to anyone.

Comparative Element: «By any other man» introduces a comparative element, suggesting a desire for the person to experience a certain kind of love from various individuals.

Emotional Tone: The line overall carries a tone of blessing and well-wishing, expressing a desire for the person to be loved in a special and unique manner.
Последний раз редактировал принцАлександр 27.01.2024 23:37
Данетех27.01.2024 21:50

принцАлександр :
Below is more objective uation:
Yes, the line «Let God grant you: be loved this way by any other man» which you provided can be acceptable in poetry, as in poetry, deviations from standard grammar are common and serve the purpose of conveying complex emotions or nuanced ideas in a condensed form.

The line «Let God grant you: be loved this way by any other man» can be analyzed as follows:

Imperative Construction: The line begins with an imperative construction, «Let God grant you,» which sets a tone of wish or blessing.

Colon Usage: The colon introduces a direct address or wish, indicating that what follows is a specific way in which the speaker hopes the person will be granted.

Subject-Verb Construction: The phrase «be loved this way» employs an elliptical structure where the subject «you» is implied but not explicitly stated. This construct adds a sense of universality, making it applicable to anyone.

Comparative Element: «By any other man» introduces a comparative element, suggesting a desire for the person to experience a certain kind of love from various individuals.

Emotional Tone: The line overall carries a tone of blessing and well-wishing, expressing a desire for the person to be loved in a special and unique manner.>>

учите язык, это явно машинный перевод. 

к вашему сведению, -uation - A man or woman шчo wants people to think they are bigger than they really are. Usually done by constant use of dougall boosting and excessive workouts.

Фройдова ошибка?

Вы настолько «разбираетесь» в английском языке, что не можете отличить оригинальный английский текст от перевода.
Последний раз редактировал принцАлександр 27.01.2024 23:46
In the analyzed sentence «Let God grant you: be loved this way by any other man», the subject word “you” is implied to situate after the colon — before the word «be».

The full phrase would be «Let God grant you: you be loved this way by any other man», but the word “you” is left out to avoid repetition and add style.

This is an example of a verb-phrase ellipsis, where a verb phrase is omitted but understood by context.
Последний раз редактировал принцАлександр 28.01.2024 22:05
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