14. Shift
Раздвоенный язык / Стихи на других языках / Читателей: 2

The Sun returened the warmth into the weather,
Overnight changing the palette to greens.
The leaves soon will hide the sky for half of the year,
Leaving for now the burgundy color to the Japanese maples.

The breeze slowly plays with the flower petals.
Yesterday they served as color on the branches -
Now they cannot understand their purpose,
And when risen above the ground they rarely want to fall.

In the darkening nights the stars are shining brighter,
The finches singing a song following the moon.
The owl screams grabing the mouse  with its sharp claws,
Silently carrying it away to the nest without a word of flattery.

Woken up in the spring, summer goes to bed.

© Данетех, 15.04.2024. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-197604/150424

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Данетех15.04.2024 14:21

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