3. The hunt
Раздвоенный язык / Стихи на других языках / Читателей: 15

they sound like Kaa
when Jormungandr
will place the ring in ring and
when the smoke will clear
only rabbit
instead of the promised grand illusion
no Bandar-logs no silver gloves
just a shadow from a hat and
the April lies blurred by the rain
although they’ve had so many expectations
for the seconds
when Skoll will catch up with Sol
and then will rise Sun in rings
to block the light that shines in face of
piece of land where between the hills and veins of
roads streams trees
to the mercy
giving over the eye under the lens covering
so that the mob can see itself as dark above
a joke or
a revenge
that he intended by giving darkness
only to allow to bring it closer to a mouth
that elbow that absorbed the light of the luminary
like an infinity ring within a ring
the moon is gone
the light is spilling from the hat again

© Данетех, 07.03.2024. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-197124/070324

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