I love...
Песни / Стихи на других языках / Читателей: 20

I sit down and play on his guitar,
I remember you and miss your smile.
I just can not forget those days that were
carried out with ... with you.

I miss you, I can not forget you
Every evening, I remember, as we are with you
have been to these clubs the night ...

As we visited with you on the playground,
As we’re out there talking about our heels.

I love you, my dear, I want to be with you ...

Amid, I love you!

© Adelina, 08/02/2012. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-33537/080212
Метки: Сила любви, Любовь всей жизни, Люблю тебя

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