I love you
Авторская песня / Читателей: 14

When I am lost and weak
I`m dreaming about you
I can`t without you
But you`re indifferent 

But I know that the next day will show
And maybe when will be snowing, we`ll go 
To walk and I will tell to you three words 

I love you

And I like to speak about love 
But it is not enough
To shout for pleasure:“Wow!“
You are indifferent

But I know that the next day will show
And maybe when will be snowing, we`ll go 
To walk and I will tell to you three words 

I love you!I love you!I love you!

© Черепко Артём, 23.11.2010. Свидетельство о публикации: 10050-5442/231110

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